100 G

100 G

100 G – A Hundred Years of the Prague Graphic School documents the history of this eminent educational institution from its founding in 1920 to the present day. The exhibition presents prominent figures of the teaching staff who fundamentally shaped the way photography, graphic design, bookbinding, conservation and restoration, and other subjects have been taught at the graphic school over the course of its existence. Attention is also given to the pupils who received their first professional training at the school, which they further developed through study and work to make a broad-ranging impact on visual culture both at home and abroad.

The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague
ulice 17. listopadu 2, Praha 1
01/10/2020 – 12/09/2021

Year: 2020
Curator: Libuše Staňková
Architecture and Graphic Design: Matěj Činčera, Jan Kloss, Adam Blažek
Client: UPM, VOŠG a SPŠG